Thursday, February 6, 2014

Just thought I'd start...A little about us.

So I have been feeling for a little while that I needed to start a blog about our lives so here it goes. Hi, we are the Morgan's...Jeremy (Hubby) 31, Ashley (Me) almost 30 :(, we have been married for 10 years. How we met is a long story and totally worth a post all by its self. Together we have Cadence (Princess) 9, and Kord (Bubba) 8. We live in a small town in Oklahoma. As a family we love music. We love to play it, sing it, and dance to it! We love Jesus and try to serve him to the best of our abilities everyday. We love movies, there will be lots of movie reviews as well. We also love to try out new restaurants. I'm sure I'll throw in a few foodie reviews from time to time.

Hubby is currently going to college with a lot of prayer and pushing from me he finally took the leap and is going to OSU-IT to become a chef! So I am sure there will be lost of food pictures and recipes to go along with them! He loves and enjoys cooking but most of all he loves to bake! He is the back bone of our family, without him I feel absolutely lost!

Me...Well hum what can I say... I have been a stay at home mom for 10 years. I started homeschooling my kids 2 years ago. I was tired of the way the school was treating them and how much they weren't learning. I also wanted to be able to teach them in a better environment, where we could pray together, and talk about God without having to compromise. It has been the best decision I have ever made! We started out using the K12 curriculum and after 1 year of that mess we knew we needed a change! So now we are using Epic One on One which is an online charter school. And while its a great school and we have really enjoyed having a teacher I think my feet are wet enough to drive into traditional homeschooling. They kids are tired of being tied to a computer. Pray for us as we start a new journey!

Now on the to the 2 lights of my life...

Princess well she is just that a princess! She is very independent, with a wonderful corky side of her that has just recently started to blossom. She is defiantly a tween! She may only be 9 but she is very mature. She has an attitude (not one that's bad) that matches so sometimes I think she's a little teenager! She loves fashion, art, she loves to color and create all the time! She loves to dance an sing, and just like most girls her age she aspires to be a singer!

Now on to my baby, Bubba he is ALL boy! He loves to play outside, get as dirty as he can, and bug the fire out of his sister! He is following in his daddy's footsteps and loves music, and is learning to play the drums and the guitar. He is as tough as nails but a softy at heart. He is always lending a helping hand to people, most of the time without having to be told or asked, he truly has a servant's heart.  He is a mommas boy (not in a bad way), always knows just the right moment when momma needs a hug or a snuggle.

Well I guess that just about wraps us up in a nut shell. You will learn more about us over time and I hope to be able to bless y'all in some way down the road. I hope you come back and read more as I will try to post everyday.

God Bless,

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